Source code for ontocode.result_processor

# Copyright, 2018-2019, Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt e.V.
# Licensed under LGPLv3+, see LICENSE for details.
Result processors convert the output of :ref:`queries<queries>`, a list of
dictionaries with variable names as keys and Owlready2_ objects as values, into
the form expected by :ref:`templates<templates>`.

A template :ref:`instantiation<instantiations>` is given a list of result
processors, a result processor chain. The first element of that chain is
applied to the result of the template :ref:`instantiation<instantiations>`\\´s
query result and subsequent elements of the chain are then applied to the
output of their predecessor.

A result processor is a callable_ with two parameters, ``input_`` and
``world``. ``input_`` is the query result or the output of their predecessor,
while ``world`` is the :class:`owlready2.namespace.World` object that the query
was run against.

It is the responsibility of the user, that a result processor chain is setup,
so that the output of a result processor meets the expectations of its
successor or, for the final result processor, of the :ref:`template<templates>`
for its input value.

Built-In Result Processors

This module provides three result processors for commonly required
transformation tasks and a base class for result processors of a commonly
encountered transformation scheme.

.. _callable:
.. _Owlready2:
import abc

__all__ = ['AbstractMapElementsProcessor', 'list_of_dicts_to_dict_of_lists',
           'NoLabelError', 'NoNameError', 'ObjectNameProcessor',

[docs]class AbstractMapElementsProcessor(metaclass=abc.ABCMeta): """AbstractMapElementsProcessor is an abstract base class for result processors that expect a list of dictionaries as their ``input_`` parameter and, when called, apply a function, :func:`~ontocode.result_processor.AbstractMapElementsProcessor.process_value`, to every value of those dictionaries. """
[docs] def __call__(self, input_, world): """Apply :func:`~ontocode.result_processor.AbstractMapElementsProcessor.process_value` to every value of dictionaries in ``input_``. :param list input_: a list of dictionaries :return: ``input_`` with :func:`~ontocode.result_processor.AbstractMapElementsProcessor.process_value` applied to every value :rtype: a list of dictionaries """ return [self._process_row(row, world) for row in input_]
def _process_row(self, row, world): return {key: self.process_value(row[key], world) for key in row}
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def process_value(self, value, world): """Returns a new value derived from ``value`` and ``world``. :param value: some value :param owlready2.namespace.World world: the world object, that is the source of the currently processed query result"""
[docs]class ObjectNameProcessor(AbstractMapElementsProcessor): """Replaces Owlready2_ objects with their names.""" def process_value(self, value, world): if not hasattr(value, 'name'): raise NoNameError() return
[docs]class NoNameError(ValueError): """Raised when ObjectNameProcessor encounters an object without name."""
[docs]class ObjectLabelProcessor(AbstractMapElementsProcessor): """Replaces Owlready2_ objects with their English ('en') labels.""" def process_value(self, value, world): if not hasattr(value, 'label'): raise NoLabelError() labels = value.label if not labels.en: raise NoLabelError() return labels.en[0]
[docs]class NoLabelError(ValueError): """Raised when ObjectLabelProcessor encounters an object without an English ('en') label."""
[docs]def list_of_dicts_to_dict_of_lists(input_, _world): """Converts a list of dicts to a dict of lists. Assumes that all dicts in the list of dicts have the same set of keys. :param list input_: a list dictionaries :return: a dictionary of lists :rtype: dict """ if not input_: return {} return {k: [d[k] for d in input_] for k in input_[0]}