Source code for ontocode.ontology

# Copyright, 2018-2019, Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt e.V.
# Licensed under LGPLv3+, see LICENSE for details.
Ontology locators tell OnToCode where to find ontologies. OnToCode uses
Owlready2_ to load ontologies and therefore supports loading `OWL 2.0`_
ontologies in the following formats:

* NTriples

Ontologies can be loaded from the file system (see
:class:`.FileSystemOntologyLocator`) or via URL (see

An ontology locator is created by calling the constructor of a ontology locator

Ontologies are loaded by :ref:`instantiations<instantiations>` for the ontology
locators passed to their constructors. Each
:ref:`instantiation<instantiations>` loads ontologies into its own
:class:`owlready2.namespace.World` object.

.. _`OWL 2.0`:
.. _Owlready2:
import abc
import os
import owlready2 as owl

__all__ = ['FileSystemOntologyLocator', 'URLOntologyLocator']

def _load_ontology_in_world(world, iri):
    ontology = world.get_ontology(iri)

class _OntologyLocator(metaclass=abc.ABCMeta):
    """Abstract base class for ontology locator classes."""

    def load(self, world):
        """Load ontology into world.

        Loads the ontology, whose location is described by this object, into

        :param world: an `owlready2.namespace.World` object

[docs]class FileSystemOntologyLocator(_OntologyLocator): """Specifies an ontology location in file system. :param str path: path to directory containing the file that describes the ontology with IRI ``iri`` (Not the path to a file). :param str iri: IRI of the ontology """ def __init__(self, path, iri): self.path = path self.iri = iri def load(self, world): absolute_path = os.path.abspath(self.path) owl.namespace.onto_path = [absolute_path] _load_ontology_in_world(world, self.iri)
[docs]class URLOntologyLocator(_OntologyLocator): """Specifies an ontology location on the Web. :param str url: URL of the ontology """ def __init__(self, url): self.url = url def load(self, world): _load_ontology_in_world(world, self.url)